Simple Unipolar to Dual Supply Converter Circuit Diagram

Simple Unipolar to Dual Supply Converter Circuit Diagram. 817V The outputs in this circuit are independently variable and can be loaded unsymmetrically. The output voltage remains constant, irrespective of load and changes. By varying potentiometers R2 or R6, the output voltages can be conveniently set. Outputs can be varied between 8 and 17 V, so that the standard ±9, ±12, and ±15 V settings can be made. 

Unipolar to Dual Supply Converter Circuit Diagram

Unipolar to Dual Supply Converter Circuit Diagram

This converter is designed for a maximum load current of 1 A and the output impedance of both supplies of 0.35 0. This circuit is not protected against shortcircuits, but uses the protection provided by the de input source. This circuit is ideal for biassing operation amplifier circuits.


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