Very Simple Color organ Circuit Diagram

This is a Simple Color organ Circuit Diagram. The term color organ refers to a tradition of mechanical (18th century), then electromechanical, devices built to represent sound or to accompany music in a visual medium—by any number of means. In the early 20th century, a silent color organ tradition (Lumia) developed. In the 1960s and '70s, the term "color organ" became popularly associated with electronic devices that responded to their music inputs with light shows. 

Very Simple Color organ Circuit Diagram

The term "light organ" is increasingly being used for these devices; allowing "color organ" to reassume its original meaning. In this circuit Transformer Tl can be any matching transistor type in the range of 500/500 to 2500/2500 ohms. No connections from the SCR or its components are connected to ground. For safety's sake, keep the 117-V line voltage from the amplifier connections— that is the reason for using Tl. To adjust, set potentiometer Rl `off` and adjust the amplifier volume control for a normal listening level. Then adjust the potentiometer until the lamp starts to throb in step with the beat.


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